As 2021 comes to an end…
We cannot help but thank you, our clients, for a successful first year as an independent soil sampling company. We had a few challenges along the way, as anyone working in agriculture can relate to, but even more successes. We formed new relationships with both independent farmers, as well as larger organizations seeking to innovate and change our industry for the better. In 2022, we look forward to expanding both our services as well as our coverage area, and cannot wait to see where the year takes us! Thank you again, and cheers to a new year!
The Liberty Bell
In late 2021, we had the privilege to attend the Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Chicago. This was our first time attending, and we had no idea what to expect. We had the opportunity to learn about some of the issues that matter to you, our clients, and we cannot wait to learn more in the coming months as we become more active in our local farm bureau. We were also able to network and get to know some people throughout our community and state who are working hard to improve the way we as an agriculture community operate, as well as how we are perceived by our non-ag peers. We even had the opportunity to speak with some government representatives about issues important to us as a community.
Finally, our local farm bureau was awarded the prestigious Liberty Bell award, which is a traveling award presented to counties across the state each year for top governmental affairs and advocacy work. Congratulations, Kankakee County, Chad Miller, and all of the other award winning counties for their hard work this year!
First Day of the Season
It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn. -B.C. Forbes
As the first day of the autumn pulling season is upon us, we wish all of our field technicians safety, all of our farmers profitable yields, and all of our families patience as we leave before dawn and return after dusk.
Why get your soil tested?
Farmer benefits:
Improved yields and profitability because you’re providing the necessary nutrients to your crops… and only the necessary nutrients. Allocate those fertilizer dollars for nutrients that will give you the most profit increase without excess waste.
Increased consistency of nutrient availability across a field
More uniform crop growth. This helps individual plants become stronger against weeds and simplifiees other processes like cultivation and spraying.
More uniform plant maturity. This helps simplify crop harvesting and drying, along with improving your market quality.
Environmental Benefits
More efficient use of plant nutrients means less losses from leaching or runoff into waterways
Poorly nourished crops leave less plant residue to hold soil in place. Plant residue helps build soil and saves it from wind and water erosion.
Providing the right levels of nutrients helps increase yields and may help reduce the need for intensively farming marginal land.
What information does soil testing provide?
pH levels to determine if your soil needs lime
Plant available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels to determine if you need to apply fertilizer to meet your crop needs and yield goal
Magnesium and calcium levels in the soil
You can also request things like percent organic matter level in the soil and recommended amounts of nutrients to apply